Thursday, July 07, 2005

Self-Absored Celebrities

Has there been a bigger waste of time and energy than the recent Live 8 concerts? A bunch of self-absorbed jackasses pushing governments to fix problems that governments created.

Did the concerts raise any money to help? Nope.

Did the concerts prompt people to help find solutions on their own? Nope.

No, the solution is for our governments to continue to take money from me and everyone else who pays taxes and give it to corrupt governments to continue to waste.

Yeah, brilliant solution. One that could only be devised by celebrity assholes.

Didn't watch the concerts but have read many of the celeb quotes and recaps and not ONE, not ONE mention of the problems the African Governments have caused.

Typical liberal solution. Throw more money at it. Especially, when it isn't yours.

Celebs ALWAYS overestimate their own impact on societies. They are next to worthless.
