Some stuff
-Anyone see Farrah Fawcett on Letter man Wednesday night? It was a rerun from spring I hadn't seen. This woman has ravaged her own face with plastic surgery. She looks hideous. One of the top "sex symbols" of the 80's is literally a shell of her former self. Sad.
-Tara was interested in a "conservative" opinion on the Sheehania on her blog. Well, here's an opinion from the left. Not being standoffish here or trying to start anything. Just balancing things a tad.
-On a related note, she's (Sheehan, not Tara) off her rocker. Being backed by Code Pink and the other nutso "anti-war" groups says enough. How is that these organizations don't seem to care about the military unless it's a dead servicemember? Because, then they have use for pissing on that servicemembers memory. Obviously, not all of those left-of-center are like this but when the organizations that claim to represent the left are like it, it might be a problem.
-Will be in the MD area next Thursday-Sunday visiting the little sis...who never mentioned to me that she was going to dinner at the Polish Consulate this week. That butthead.
-The poor folks who lost the Kelo vs New London case are being crapped all over even more. New London has decided that they will be paying 2000 "fair market value" instead of 2005 "fair market value." On top of that, they will charge the folks 5 years back rent, back to 2000. Stuff like this makes me want to support the folks sitting in their houses with a shotgun to protect it. How petty is this by the city? And is anyone trying to get these worthless city council members out of office?
-More on SNL sometime next week. Been busy
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