Friday, September 24, 2004

What I ~feel~ and think.

Ok, here’s the warning and disclaimer. There might be some swearing below and some statements that offend you on a personal and/or political level. Know this: those liberals that I know personally, I feel I know well enough to exclude them from the group I’m referring to here. But this is how I *feel*. I normally don’t write or talk about how I *feel* but yesterday really impacted me. And this is the conflict I feel within between some deeply held personal/political convictions and my faith as a Christian. I rationalize it by calling it righteous anger. Don’t like it? Well, I wish you the best.

But please DO feel free to comment. I understand my post will be harsh so I won’t ban anyone from posting if their reaction is equally harsh. That wouldn’t be fair. So here goes.

I went to lunch and passed a church on the way. I noticed that out front there were a whole bunch of combat boots. I instantly knew what was going on. This was an anti-war “exhibit.” I grabbed a newspaper to read while eating and drove back past the church. I decided to pull in and check it out and ask a few questions. They weren’t done setting it up yet but it was probably about ¾ of the way there.

In front of the church, were the combat boots. On the side of the church, were a bunch of civilian shoes, meant to represent the civilians who had died in the war. Behind the shoes was a large placard, about 4 feet high by 12 feet long with the names of Iraqis who had died during the war. It also showed how they died: “cluster bombs,” “coalition air strike,” “Apache helicopter attack.,” You get the idea. I looked around. Nowhere was there a list of the Iraqi civilians who were killed by the insurgents and terrorists. It just wasn’t there. What did that tell me? This is a Blame America First group.

I asked the lady “where is the board with all of the names of the Iraqis who were killed while Saddam was in power?” She answered by asking “Are you here to look or to argue?” I just replied I thought it was a valid question and that their position would have been more consistent. Their problem, is just when Americans kill people. Not when people kill people. And there is NO moral consistency to this. I might have respect for them as just misguided fools if they lamented ALL of the innocents killed during war.

She had no response and it just got me riled up. I walked off before I got disrespectful because here is what I feel and have thought for a while now. These anti-war people (most of them) don’t give a flying shit about military members. They are the same freaks and traitors who protested the Vietnam war and they hated the military then and did everything they could to undermine moral and their mission. My belief is the ONLY reason they feign caring about the troops these days is because it is politically expedient. They know average Americans wouldn’t listen to them as soon as they heard their true feelings. There are exceptions to this, of course, but I feel the leadership feels this way and it wouldn’t take much to get their lemming followers in a frenzy about it.

Oh yeah, I am really f’ing sick of the dumb bastards who portray military members as victims. It’s a *volunteer military*. Read that again. *Every* member knows upon joining what the risks are. These are adults, old enough to make their own decisions. I’m tired of hearing them referred to as children and people asking “would you send your child to die in Iraq?” (thank you Michael Moore) Children are not going to Iraq to die. Adults are. They’ve made the choice to join and have served honorably and many have paid the ultimate price. You dishonor them when you paint them as victims of anyone but the people who actually killed them. They are soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines and we get paid to die if it comes to that. Otherwise, what the F are we supposed to be here for?

These anti-war fools(useful idiots as the communists use to refer to them as) are the same people who dishonored, trashed and smeared military members in the past and if it were still acceptable today, they would. They, themselves, are trash, in my opinion.

Just take the whole Iraq issue out of this. The stupid bastards would be living in a world dominated by evil if it weren’t for the men and women who choose to stand up against evil. These stupid bastards only have the right to do their little exhibit because the military member they are portraying as a victim stood up and fought for their country, their family and their friends.

I’m sick of these pathetic pieces of shit. They undermine the morale of the troops and give aid and comfort to the enemy. The enemy sees division in us and, to them, it shows weakness. Protest before the war. Once the war starts, you root for the good guys to kill all the bad guys and come home when it is over. This bullshit only prolongs things. To these people, save your f’ing pity for me and other military members. Put your efforts into sending care packages and other items that will increase morale. Give money to a program to support the troops families while they are deployed. If you know the family of a deployed member, be there for them. Support them in any way they need. Just be there. If you are already doing these things, then thank you. If you aren’t, start.

For my birthday, My sis, Amy and my parents gave to such an organization. I’ll track down the information soon and pass it on.

And to close, I think my sister is a good example of a good balance. She doesn’t like war (well, who doesn’t?) and, as far as I know, doesn’t support this one. But she’s supportive of her cousin’s husband who was deployed during the actual war and is supportive of her brother and when he is deployed (later this year but not to Iraq)). She understands the best way for this to get over with, is to kill the bad guys and bring the good guys home. She has an understanding that good men must fight bad men. She understands what Edmund Burke meant when he said “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.”

Heather, if I’ve misrepresented your feelings on this, feel free to correct me.
