Thursday, December 15, 2005

Tookie Williams...fertilizer

I'm late on this. Been busy. Just my thoughts.

I'm ok with this. I'm against the death penalty only because I don't like the government having that power. However, if we're going to put down someone, this piece of garbage is an example of who should be taking the eternal death nap.

This is the part of my Christianity I've always had trouble with. Do I hope this man repented and accepted Christ before he died? Yes. Because I don't see much evidence he did before those final moments.

However, if he didn't and is burning in hell right now...well... so be it.

The fact that so many groups fell on his side of the execution debate says a lot about them.

NAACP only cares about the death penalty as applied to blacks. A white person...kill him. They don't care. It's a morally bankrupt association. Jesse Jackson? I'll just let that one go. He was asked on a radio show what the names of the victims Williams was convicted of killing were. He didn't know. No surprise.

This man wasn't redeemed before his last moments. Never showed remorse for the killings. Never turned in any of his gang members. Wouldn't do it.

Rest...hopefully in peace but if be it,
