Thursday, October 20, 2005

Tithe! Your chance to help!

I have around $400-500 to tithe in the next week or so. I've been to church so little in the past 2 months (for obvious reasons) so I don't really have a church to tithe to. My old church is, just that, my old church. I don't go anymore. Plus it's Methodist and I don't like my tithe money being donated to a political organization (the NCC) so it won't be going there.

My new church, I've only been to for a few months now (but not in the last few) so I'm still getting a feel for what that $ would go to.

So I've decided to tithe it to a Christian organization but need some suggestions. Some framework for those suggestions:

1. Not an organization that does political lobbying of any sort. Not liberal lobbying and not conservative lobbying.

2. Don't take it personal if I don't choose the one you suggest. :-) Obviously, anything I choose will be prayerfully considered.

3. Must be a Christian organization.

I'm leaning towards giving at least half to the Gospel Mission in Dayton. I've volunteered there and will continue to when I get back

Leave suggestions in the comments!
